As a Family on mission
As a Family on mission
* We recognise the urgent need for a change of mindset in line with the new understanding of the world, which demands a new way of relating to God and to the whole of creation.
* We commit ourselves to deepen our understanding of our Charism in the light of this new consciousness, in order to express our specific Holy Family gift in the world.
* Aware of our responsibility for this gift and in complementarity of vocations, we wish to give visible witness as Family so that we can make an impact on the different realities of the world, by being attentive to its needs, by encouraging dialogue, and by promoting justice, peace and integrity of creation.
* Common formation, and shared life experience, will help us move in this direction.
* We encourage the use of Family celebrations as opportunities to grow and move forward as One Family onMission.
* The commitments made at this Council will be further developed in the process of the forthcoming International Congress of the Holy Family.
¡Qué alegría! el congreso es un motivo más para vivir la comunión, esta página ha sido un acierto, seguiremos los pasos y estaremos al día de todo.Un abrazo a cada uno/a y ¡¡adelante!! Dios Padre-Madre os acompañe