Day 27 September
The main aim of the day was to listen to the new story of the Universe and in the light of that, determine ways forward.
The Lay and Priests Associates came together for Morning Prayer. A slide show entitled “The New Creation Story” was shown. This was viewed in an atmosphere of profound contemplation. During the slide show there were pauses to internalize and share our sense of awe and wonder
In the evolution of the universe there were times of breakdown in order to give rise to new life. Our Family too is in a process of evolution and there needs to be a shift so that something new may be born.
Often questions arise in us – questions like: Who am I? Where have I come from? What is the meaning of my life? How can we live and flourish together? One way of answering these questions is to make our own the new story of the Universe.
After the prayer each vocation worked in their respective groups.
To begin with the group was invited to reflect on the experience of the past few days in the light of the new story of the Universe. After some moments of reflection, there was a rich fraternal sharing during which feelings of admiration; gratitude and love of life were shared. There were very great desires to opt for life and defend it especially in those situations where life is being threatened.
Then the participants turned their attention to the principal important points raised in the previous assembly and to the calls heard in the Congress assembly. Once again there was great similarity between the two documents.
In the afternoon three important points were raised and discussed:
- Mutual help
- Communication
- The organisation of the group
After dialogue specific means were chosen to give valid responses to these three important aspects.
A letter, the final document of this General Assembly would be written to transmit the experience of the Congress, communicate the important points addressed and the decisions taken.
The celebration of the Eucharistconnected us with the realities of our world:
- The cries of those who suffer, the poor, the situations where we wish to be a consoling and hope-filled presence
- The young people and we prayed that in the midst of the challenges they face they might be helped by Jesus to “choose life”
- The fruits of the Assembly which will enable us to grow as a Family and to be faithful to the charism received from Pierre Bienvenu Noailles.
Muy unidos¡Qué maravilla de Familia!
Un abrazo muy grande a todos,¡Qué alegría! tener contacto con los sacerdotes. Que sigamos viviendo el don de la Eucaristía, que se refleje en nuestras vidas.Un abrazo grande